January 12, 2007

mi mayor frustración

XM Satellite Radio is assembling a small audience of friends and fans of Sonic Youth for a taping session of a live performance on the evening of June 16, 2006 at XM's Washington, DC broadcast studios. The performance will air live on the Ethel XM station at 6PM Eastern time.The seating for this special program is extremely limited and approximately 40 people will be chosen on a "first-come, first-served" basis determined by when their email is received at XM. If you are interested and are 100% confident that you can be in Washington, DC on the evening of June 16, 2006, please send an email complete with your full name and contact information to ????@????.???. Do not reply to this email. Make sure to include "SONIC YOUTH" in the subject line of your message to ????@????.??? or your email will not be considered. If you wish to come with a guest - one other person only - please include that person's name and contact information (email and cell phone nos. are important in case there is a change in schedule) as well. If you are selected to attend, you will receive an email with the exact time and further instructions. Only people who have received this email will be put on the guest list and will be able to attend. Thanks, and hope to see you there.